Look at those big brown teary eyes, so sad.
Ha ha...this look and hair crack me up.
Now that is one big smile.
Someone knows they are getting in to something that they shouldn't....momma's I-phone, one of our favorite toys.
This is what dad has to do when we are in a bad mood! Drag us around on a blanket, works every time.
I unfortunately did not get the camera out as much as usual in January, but still managed to get some cute pictures. Carter is getting so big, it is unbelievable! Every day he can do more than the previous day. His speech has taken off this month. He is starting to really talk. Most of the time though his response is NO...we are continuing to work on that. He also has a tendency to throw things to. Our poor remote controls have seen better days.
Oh, the "no" days! I don't think they end for a long time! We're still in them! Love the pictures!