Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Pictures

Relaxing with our shirt unbuttoned after Church
Carter with Nana
With G-Ma and Papaw
Pic with mommy, oh that sweet face.
Cute pic with Uncle Brad and Aunt Christy (Henry's parents)

Easter was such a beautiful day! We went to breakfast at G-Ma and Papaw house, then to church with them and Aunt Christy and Uncle Brad. For lunch we went out to Aunt Vickie's house for lunch with Nana and her family. The weather was beautiful and Carter looked so handsome in his tie. God has truly blessed us!!

Turning 8 months old

Helping mom shop at Babies R Us...his hair is getting crazy

Look at those big teethers!
Tried some big boy potatoes and carrots.
Lock up your daughters.
Chunky butt and legs!

Wow, Carter has been changing so much this last couple of weeks. He was just waiting for the 8 month mark to start everything. When he was 8 months and 1 day he started crawling. Now he is in to absolutely everything. He heads straight for the dog food every time. He has also started blowing spit bubbles. He thinks it is pretty funny! We have just transitioned to 12 month clothing. The 6-9 won't fit around his belly anymore. He continues to be more animated every day. He loves to hear is voice. There is definitely been lots of ma ma's. I consider it his first word. Rough housing with daddy, is one of his favorite things. He is a tough little guy! And he has discovered a love for ceiling fans, I guess they are very interesting. His schedule has remained about the same; 4-5 bottles/nursing a day and about 4 jars of baby food. He has tried lots of the second foods now. He is a good eater (as you can tell from the pics). He has also tried some finger foods, for babies, that he loves. They actually taste pretty good! Our little boy is growing up so fast. What an amazing past 8 months!