Thursday, March 29, 2012

Some random January Pics

Just some sweet pictures of Carter smiling! I even got some good ones with mom and dad. Jan -March seemed to fly by so fast. Carter has really been a trooper with all of the changes the past couple of months. The picture with all of the necklaces and headband was what he got in to while I was trying to pack one day!

Jan 7th, 2012

It was unseasonable warm day in January so we got to ride our new bike. He did so great! He also loves his new helmet too!

New House - Before Pics

Here is just a few pics of our new house. I wanted to remember what it looked like before we painted and moved in. We closed on March 1st. We have done a lot of painting and once I get more decor up I will post more updated pictures!

Christmas Pictures

Wow!! I don't think I have ever been like 3 months behind! My goal is to catch up this weekend and vow to never get so far behind again! Moving really slowed me down with keeping up on this!