Friday, August 13, 2010

First Birthday Party Continued...

We had to get hosed off after the cake.
Grandma trying to feed me some sugar cookies...just not sure about it.

Another pic with Dad and Mom.

This picture is blurry...but this was how he came home. He was so tired after such a fun birthday!
His first birthday was so great!! We rented a Pavilion at Springfield Lake and had family and friends come to celebrate. It was hot, but we had a great time. Carter loved the attention. During the signing of happy birthday he clapped and rocked back and forth in excitement!! He totally knew that all eyes were on him. He wasn't too sure about the cake at first, but liked it once he got started. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives. Carter has tons of family and friends that love him so much!! This first year has been truely amazing! Carter has brought more joy to our lives than I ever thought was possible. He is growing up too fast, but I love to watch him change/grow.
We love you Carter!!! Mom and Dad

One Year Old!!!!

Where is many toys...
Pic with mom and dad...but I am obviously more interested in cake.


What does this thing from mom and dad.

So hot and so bright out!!!!

I need a break...just give me some water...

What are we waiting on???

Here I go...

Yay...your really going to let me keep eating this.

This cake is so good!!

Take me out to the Ball Game...Springfield Cardinals

Mom, Dad, and Carter posing for a pic.
In our stroller at the was hot and we stolled around in the shade.

Ha ha...this picture cracks me up! Big Cheese from Carter and Papaw

Awww, we had to love on mommy!
The second weekend in July we got to go to a Springfield Cardinals game. It was also a Step Up Walk for Down Syndrome for our cousin Ashlynn. It was a nice game and we had lots of fun!! Next year we can hopefully enjoy a corndog!!

July Pictures

Bath time is our favorite...look at that big smile.
Stare down with Sydney...Carter loves her.

Jumping on cousin Henry's bed!

Carter and Dad having some fun pool time.

Someone is a little sleepy. What an angel face!!!
These are some July 2010 pictures. It just seemed like July flew by!!

Late June and early July 2010

Pic with Papa--they have so much fun together.
Oh we love Ellie soooo much...she loves us too.

Mom...I am patiently waiting for food!

Hanging out with friend on the Fourth of July.

Picture with Uncle Brad and Cousin Henry
It has been way to long since I have posted. Our computer has been down and that has really set me back. This summer has flown by, but we have had fun. It has definately been a hot one!!! Although Carter never minds, he always wants to go play outside.