Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baking Day with Grandma and Mom

On November 12th Grandma came over and we made, fudge (peanut butter and chocolate), sugar cookies, rice crispy treats, and pecan tassies. It was a good time. We tried to learn all of Grandma's baking secrets. You were lots of help, especially with the sugar cookies.

Novemeber 2011

I got a couple of cute pics of Henry and Carter when Henry and Aunt Christy came over to visit one weekend. We bought them matching coats for winter. Carter also had to try on mom's glasses. He is so silly!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Halloween

Buzz Lightyear and little monkey. Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Carter went Trick or Treating for the first time. We stopped by Nanu and Kay's, my mom and dad, and Aunt Vickie's house where Clay's family was. He would go up to the houses and forget what to say, but he loved getting the candy. He did get the hang of it more toward the end. He got way too much candy for a little guy so we have had to ration it out. He has talked about it ever since. He loved being Buzz Lightyear because he loves all the Toy Story movie. He is at a really fun age with all of the holidays. It is such a great time of year!

Just a couple of Oct 11 pics

Scrunching his nose.

He loves to wear hats.

We were gone for a week in October so I did get as many pictures as usual. He is always so funny and making silly faces. So much personality at 26 months old. I love him.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A few Sept '11 pics

That sweet face!!
A picture with mom before bed. His smile is so adorable!
I don't want to put on this shirt! Seriously...he really hates to change his clothes.
Sleeping in mom and dad's bed!
That little cheese face!

I don't know what happened to Sept. We were so busy, and it just flew by. I hardly got any pictures of Carter. He is growing up too fast. The latest things are: I do it myself and telling on everyone. He seriously can not keep a secret. As soon as I walk in the door he will say, "I hit Henry" or "I just had a peanut butter cup". He also can kind of stretch the truth though and tell me he got bite by a peacock at the zoo. I just love how much he is learning and how creative he can be. I am starting to notice that he pretends now with his toys. He also has no fear which scares me to death. He is always climbing on to something!!! He has so much heart. Everyday he looks at me and reaches up "Mommy hold you" is the best thing in the world. I can't believe my little boy is 26 months old.

September 6th- Big Boy Bed

Here is looks all sweet and innocent before bed.
Now he is crawling in and out of his "big boy" bed!
He loves how easy he can get in and out, but mom and dad aren't as excited!

He is brushing his teeth before bed.

Well...we knew this day would come, but we were hoping not so soon! On Monday (memorial day) Carter came running out of his bedroom, the issue was he was supposed to be in his crib. That night we went ahead and tried getting him to sleep, but he crawled out about 5 more times. So the next day the crib was converted to the toddler bed. The hardest thing has been that is able to get up, but he has continued to sleep all night. Naps have been a struggle lately for everyone. Let's hope we all continue to adjust well!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

August Pictures

Here is a picture of me and Carter at Table Rock lake. We went down the 2nd weekend in August. He loves the lake, and the boat rides. We swam, relaxed, ate good, and enjoyed a weekend with friends.
He loves my phone. I am sure he will get one all too soon.
Don't pay attention to the snotty nose. I just thought his expression was so sweet here.
I just can't believe how strong our little guy is. He loves to climb all over the furniture. This is an action shot of him holding his "push up" position.
I had to take this pic. He is going to be a computer guy just like dad. He loves to watch Sesame Street videos on you tube.

August was so busy that I didn't get near as many pictures as normal. I think July was just so crazy after his birthday that I just didn't keep up. I always say I am going to do better at posting more regularly, but things are just always so busy. I can't believe it is the middle of September already and I just posted summer pictures. I am going to try and highlight the summer with the major things:

  • Took our first family trip in June to Destin, FL
  • Hot summer, so enjoyed lots of water time outside
  • Turned 2 on July 27th and had a big birthday on July 23rd with a big water slide.
  • Went to the lake a couple of times
  • Got in first real accident when he fell off the deck (it left one big bruise)
  • Language has changed so much...he puts sentences together all the time, and his memory just blows my mind.
  • He can count to 10 and we are already working on to 20. (also some Spanish numbers)
  • Loves to dance and sing! (knows the words to Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Little Star)
  • Had a good 2 year checkup. 31 lbs (just above 75%) and 34 in tall (just below 75%).
I am sure there are so many other things, but this is what I could think of for the summer. And I can think of so much more he has done in the past couple of weeks. He changes so fast it is hard to keep up with.

July 27th---Carter's Second Birthday

These are the pics from Chuck E Cheese. Just the three of us went out to eat actually on his 2nd birthday. He loves to play all the games.
Momma and Carter on the big rocking horse.

He has so much fun!

What a wonderful gift Carter has been. I just wish I could slow down time! He is growing up way to fast. He is smart, fun, handsome, clever, funny...and I could go on and on. These past two years have been absolutely amazing. At times he can try my patience, but what kid doesn't. I love watching him grow and change every day. He is becoming his own little person. I feel so blessed to have a healthy and happy toddler!!! I love you Carter!!! Mommy

Second Part of July

Opening up some of his birthday presents. He got so many great toys.

Eating one of the cookies from his birthday.
SO excited about his new tricycle!!!

Early July--23 months

Went to the park on the 4th of July. It was very hot outside, but we had fun anyways. We didn't really do much on the 4th weekend. Just hung out in town.

Broke out the slip n slide for some water fun.
I just love this expression. He looks so innocent.
His hair is too funny in this pic! has been way too long since I have written. Time flies by so quick. These picture are from before his birthday so this is a little out of order. I just had to post the birthday pics first.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Birthday party continued...

He gave some cake to mom and dad, but finally got a good piece in dad's mouth.
Look at the wonderful smile. He whole face lights up. He LOVED the attention.
I'm done...yay.
Sitting there nicely while everyone is singing happy birthday.
The Elmo shirt we got him to wear for his birthday party.
Family photo.
Juice it was hot out there.
I really get to eat this yummy cup cake.

The order is a little off on these bottom ones. It is getting late though, and it took me almost three weeks to post anyways. There were so many cute pictures, but these are some of my favorites.