Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June continued

Carter before bath time. He likes to stand next to the tub now and watch his bath fill up with water! That crazy hair, so funny after a long day.
When his hair is wet you can actually see how long it is.
Had to get at least one father's day picture. Carter was covered in droll, but hey, he still looked cute.
Mom just wanted some good pics, look at those sweet eyes.
Now that is an funny smile. He really wanted to show off his teeth!!

Carter has had some big accomplishments lately. He has really gotten bye-bye now. He excited waves (and likes to alternate hands). In just the past couple of days he has also started pointing at things he wants. He talks all the time now. I can't quite make out most of it, but he is really starting to make lots of different sounds. He has already had a fun start to the summer. It has been a hot one though, so we haven't been able to be outside too much. Mom and dad have also been really busy at work, so we haven't been able to take off. In just over a month he will be one year old. I can not believe how fast it has gone by. Things just need to slow down, he is getting too big too fast. But we are trying to enjoy every moment!!

June pics (Carter is 10 months old!)

Picture of Carter and his friend Roman (one of my best friend's little boy)
For my Aunt Missy's 40th birthday my family rented a big slide. Clay took Carter down it a couple of times. The first time he was ok, but the second he did not like it at all. I think it was a little too much for him. Give him a few months and he will be all about it!
Sweet smile...I love his big grins! His whole face lights up!
Carter wanted to test out our new tile floors. He loves to bang his toys on them. It is much louder than the linoleum we used to have.

Random Pics from May '10

Carter was so tired he fell asleep in his bouncer one night. I felt so bad for him, but it was just so sweet. I had to take a picture of it. He has some serious bouncing skills these days!
He gave dad a big cheese before bed.
He is so intrigued by all his toys now. It is so cute to see him concentrate when he plays with them.
One of his first times in the grass...he wasn't so sure about it.
The sun was a little bright. He had such a funny look on his face.

As you can tell by the pictures his hair is just out of control. I absolutely adore the curls. He also has big brown eyes. Every day he gets new expressions and it cracks me up. He is eating all kinds of things now. Some of his favs are pancakes, grilled cheese, and bananas. Everyday we just keep trying new things. He loves to be chased and just giggles when you say "I'm gonna get you." It is so funny!!! I just can't believe how fast he is growing up!!

Clay's 30th

Pic of our little family
Carter helping dad blow out the candles!
Dad and Carter in their baseball caps
Carter biting his stroller
Carter and Pawpa

Clay turned 30 on May 8th (it took me a little bit to post) and I put together a surprise party for him and the old Ducks stadium in Ozark. It was a really fun time and tons of family/friends showed up. We played ball and ate BBQ. Carter stole the show in his Cardinals outfit! He did so great for being out all day long! The next day was my first mother's day and we dedicated him at church. It was a great day! Unfortunately I didn't get any pics on my camera, but other family did. We will always remember May 9th, 2010, as a very special day that we dedicated our little Carter to the Lord. What an amazing weekend!!!