Friday, May 4, 2012

2012 March Pictures

 Carter enjoying reading in his new room.
 First movie, Dr Seuss, The Lorax...he loved it.  Sat through the whole thing.  Although he only wore his glasses for the first half.
 Carter at gymnastics lessons he started taking in March.  He wasn't so sure at first, but each week he keeps on doing better!  Very proud of his progress.
New big bath tub!!!  I am pretty sure one of Carter's favorite things about the new house is the big jacuzzi tub.  I don't know if we are ever going to be able to get him in a regular bath tub again.  He loves the jets!

March 10th, Animal Paradise

With all the craziness and moving we wanted to go do something fun with Carter for an afternoon.  We took him to Animal Paradise and he loved it.  The first part he walked around and saw lots of animals, then we got to drive and see much more.  He thought it was so cool until a big moose stuck their head in the car to try and get some food!  We all had fun though.  It was a nice break from moving.

Belly Pics

 15 weeks pregnant!  Had to get one preggo pic at the same place where I took all of Carter's!
Around 20 weeks pregnant!

A couple of Feb 2012 photos

 Such a sweet picture with a tired momma.
 We LOVE our helmet and Sunglasses too!
Such a silly boy!

I did a terrible job at taking pictures in February.  With preparing to move and being pregnant I just did not take the time to get very many pictures.  Our little guy is just growing each day!  What a sweetie.  He has done so well with all the recent changes.

Carter and Henry at Chuck E Cheese

Horsey ride
 Driving the Jeep Together
So much fun!!

Carter and Henry got to go to Chuck E Cheese together.  They both had lots of fun!