Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Pics of Carter

First bites of rice cereal (yummy!)

Hanging out in his new bouncer
Just being adorable
His shocked look!
Looking a little grumpy

It has been forever since I posted. These pictures are a couple of our favorite from November. Things have been great, but very busy! I can't believe how fast time flies. I always try to update my blog, but somehow never get to it. Carter is such a blessing! I maybe biased, but he is so sweet.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A couple of more Halloween pics

A little upset...but cute pic with Aunt Candy and Aunt Jessica
Picture with Papa, Meme, and Grandma Susan

Everyone really enjoyed Carter's costume. He was a perfect little dinosaur!

Happy Halloween with our Green Dinosaur.

Carter with Grandpa Ken, Aunt Kay, and Nanu
Cartman posing with Grandpa and Grandma Morgan
Picture with Dad
Then one with mom
Up close.

It was a really fun Halloween. We had family and friends stop by to see Carter in his adorable green dinosaur! He helped hand out candy to all the kids. The first of many fun Halloweens. We love Carter so much. He is the best thing in the world! We are so blessed!!!

October Pictures of Cartman

Those big eyes looking at Momma.
Guess who dressed him this day?
The Franks came over to watch the Oklahoma game.
So sweet!
Sticking out his tongue at mom.

I have been so bad about updating my blog. I have loved every minute with Carter! He is such a sweet baby and changes each day. He is really starting to show his personality. I think he is going to be very easy going like his dad. October has come and gone. It all seems to go by so fast. We can't wait for holiday time. There will be lots of cute pictures to post.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Two month Check Up

During his weight check
Waiting for the Doctor to come in.

After the shots! Poor baby! It was so sad.

We had Carter's two month check up on Monday Sept. 28th. Wow! These last two months have flown by. He is growing so fast and changing literally every day.
His Stats were:

Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz. (50th Percentile)
Length: 23.9 in. (75th Percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.5 cm. (30th Percentile)

He is very tall, average weight, and small head. I think he is just perfect. I appreciate all the advice I have gotten from all of my friends. These past two months have been the best. It is so fun to be a mom, but challenging at times as well. We love all of our family and friends!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pictures of Lil' Cartman

Watching his first OU game with the family
His adorable Soapasouras robe that he doesn't seem to like
Him giggling away (one of our favorite pics so far)
Really getting is head up for tummy time

These pictures are from the end of August and beginning of July. I still have many more to post. He is such a sweet little guy. His personality is starting to show more each day. When he is happy he is very happy, but when he is mad he has quite the temper! Dad has gone back to work so I am just trying to enjoy my last couple of weeks with him. This time has flown by! I can't believe how big he is getting. I am savoring every moment we have together!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Some more Pictures of Carter

He was very excited in this picture, just smiling and kicking around.
Clay had just changed his diaper and he was so tired! I thought it was too cute.
Looks like he is deep in thought.
He was zonked out on mom.

It is just amazing how fast he is growing. These pictures were taken at the end of August. I am working this week to get everything more up to date. Clay went back to work this week so it is just me and Carter. We are starting to get a routine going. He is sleeping around 6-7 hours a night. He is also starting to take more regular naps. He is growing so big! I went and had is weight checked today and he is 10 lbs 14 oz. He is a growing boy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pictures of Carter's first weeks

Carter and big sis Ellie
First Tummy time- Not too happy!
Just hanging out in the swing (A must have for babies)
Curled up in his Alligator outfit
Bright eyes and chilling on the boppy

Wow this first few weeks have flown by. It has been forever since I have posted anything. I will post more very soon, this time it will be much sooner than last. With a newborn, I forget what day it is or what time of the day for that matter. It has been so great. He is getting bigger each and every day. He is changing so fast. These pictures are in the first couple of weeks. I have so many more to post.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

July 27th, 2009

My precious baby boy in my arms.
Right after he was born and they laid him on my chest.
Our first look at Carter.
Right before I began pushing.

On Monday morning July 27th, Clay and I went in to Labor and Delivery at 6:30am. I had scheduled an inducement after my last doctor's appt. For the first two hours it was just prep work with IV's and stuff. At around 8:30 my doctor came in and broke my water and started the potosin. Shortly after the contractions started coming and they got really intense around noon. Each time the nurse examined me the progress was substantial. I got my epidural just before one. Clay and I were settling in to the room and preparing for a long afternoon/evening. To our surprise by 3:45 I was dilated to 10 and we started to push. This was definitely the hardest part of labor. It was quite the work out! At 5:45 we welcomed Carter Elijah Caldwell in to the world. The labor and delivery was easier then I ever dreamed. He was 7 lbs 14 oz and 19.5 in. long. He is such a miracle. I appreciate all the love, support, and prayers of our family and friends. It is amazing to think that just last December we were so scared because of my fibroid tumors and then everything went so well. Our parents were basically knocking down the door so we let them in along with my sister and her husband. Carter had lots of visitors and everyone said he was so handsome and I agreed. We have already taken tons of pictures so i will try to update more soon. Right now sleep is #1 priority. He slept good last night so mom got to too!!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Carter's Nursery

The golf corner of the room that fits in with the argyle theme
Changing table and Carter's little rocking chair
Close up picture of bedding
Crib with name above (I think he is going to learn his name quickly)
Another shot of the room. The curtains and glider have the same striped pattern

This nursery was a lot of hard work which so many people helped us with. The painting was definitely a lot more work then I originally planned, but Clay was very helpful and worked hard to make it look perfect. We had help from both sets of parents. Also Vicki (Clay's aunt) did so much of the decorations, which are all adorable. My sister, Christy helped a ton on the diamonds! We are so excited that it is complete. Now all we need is the little guy here! The pictures are great, but in person it looks even better. If you are in the neighborhood please call us and come by and see it.

36 and 38 week pictures

38 weeks pregnant
36 weeks pregnant

I am getting further behind on my posts. I thought I would post the last two belly pics together. Well the past few weeks have been busy. The nursery is finally completed. There has been a lot of last minute things to do. Now we are just waiting... My last doctor's appt I was still dilated to a 1 and about 50 % effaced. I have another appt on Tuesday and I am hoping for lots of progression. Luckily the weather has been cooperative so that has been really nice. We also did another Ultrasound this weekend with Clay's Aunt Kay and she estimated him at 7 lbs 8 0z. So I guess he is already a chunk. We are all getting so anxious to meet him!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pictures of Work Shower

Opening gifts and smiling!

Me opening gifts and talking
Up close picture of cake- It looks exactly like my nursery bedding

Thursday, June 25, 2009

34 weeks and ultrasound pics

Carter's foot
A profile view
His cute little ear
34 weeks

This weather is really hot! I am definitely feeling it. I am starting to move much slower. Also my belly feels like it is dropping and getting much heavier. The nursery is close to being done, just some last minute touches. I can't believe he is going to be here so soon! July is next week!